Our Services

Our services reflect our uniqueness and deep commitment to providing accurate analyses and essential information to our clients. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including:

Real Estate Appraisal

We provide accurate and comprehensive analysis of property values, including commercial, residential, industrial, and agricultural properties. This service reflects our commitment to delivering a high level of precision and expertise in all aspects. Our clients benefit from real estate appraisal for various purposes, including:

Economic Feasibility Studies

We offer economic feasibility studies, providing a comprehensive analysis of the economic aspects and financial viability of real estate investment projects. Leveraging our expertise and advanced analytical techniques, we assist our clients in making informed investment decisions based on accurate estimates and reliable data. Our services include:

Highest and Best Use Studies

We offer a comprehensive service for studying the highest and best use of properties. This service aims to determine the most optimal and feasible use of a property, whether for executing a specific project or from a legal perspective. We follow a precise process that includes:
Through this service, we aim to maximize the potential of properties and transform them into successful and profitable projects based on accurate analyses and reliable estimates.

Pricing Strategies

We offer exceptional services in pricing strategies, helping our clients achieve the highest possible value for their properties by determining viable sale or rental prices. Understanding that setting the ideal price is crucial for maximizing profit, we consider a range of critical factors when establishing sale or rental prices, including:

Real Estate Project Feasibility Studies

We focus on assessing the success potential and failure risks of real estate projects. We accurately identify risks by analyzing economic aspects, market conditions, and conducting technical and financial studies. Madaa Arabia provides these feasibility study services to our clients through expert consultants in the field, ensuring accurate profitability calculations and informed decision-making.

Strategic Market Analysis

As part of our distinguished services, we provide strategic market analysis for real estate research. We gather and analyze accurate and reliable information about market trends to deliver comprehensive reports that include precise evaluations of influencing factors. Our analysis offers guidance to help clients make informed decisions about their real estate investments.

Field Real Estate Survey

Field real estate survey is a service that involves collecting data about the real estate market, cataloging properties in a specific geographic area, and classifying them according to their architectural features and property data based on the client's needs.

Building Inspection

Building inspection is a process to verify the apparent quality of a residential unit. Conducted by certified inspectors, this examination results in a report detailing the condition of the residential unit.

Self-Build Reports

We collaborate with financial institutions and banks supported by the Ministry of Housing to assist citizens in constructing their residential units. Our role involves conducting field visits at each stage of construction to assess the progress and completion percentage of each unit.